How To Break Out of a Writing Slump (And Overcome Your Villains)


9 min readDec 3, 2021

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.”
― Stephen King,
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been writing, there will come a point when you stare at the blank page and the blank page stares back at you. And that blank page is an abyss. All the ideas, stories, and excitement that bubbled inside you starts to fizzle out. It makes you wonder: Where did it all go? Have I lost something I can’t get back?

Sit back, buckle in. Let me take you on a journey that will ignite your love for writing again and help you overcome your writing slump.

I discovered my love for writing in 6th grade, writing stories of Egyptian deserts and nameless, totally-not-self-insert superheroes overcoming evil villains. Back then, writing was a new and magical thing. But the years passed quickly and, ultimately, that sandy desert I loved became a wasteland of writers block.

I didn’t know it then, but my own thoughts had become the villain. Ideas, small poems, stories — all was put under a microscope and the only thought was, “Bad, bad, bad.” If my work was not perfect, it was no good. If I received harsh feedback or none at all, it was a disappointment. Writing was a minefield.

“Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?”
Kurt Vonnegut

If I could go back now, I would tell myself one thing:
When you’re all out of ideas, and it feels like you have nothing left to offer, keep writing. Just keep writing.

Before we go any further, let’s determine the cause of your slump. What is holding you back? Really get to the root of it. My personal preference is writing a journal entry. When thoughts are all laid out on paper, it gives me a cleaner view of the horizon without all the noise.

The most common villains tend to be perfectionism, time, and fear. Ask yourself: Why am I afraid? Does writing really not fit my schedule? Why does it need to be perfect? Once you have a clear view, you are on the right path to overcoming it, and to reaching heights you never thought possible before.

“The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.”― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Now that you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to start climbing out of your slump. It won’t be easy. The climb is riddled with dark obstacles and self-doubt but, once you reach the top, it will be worth it.

Here are 10 ways to break out of a writing slump:

1. Just Write

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

And feel free to write badly. The most effective way to get yourself out of a writing slump is to write yourself out of it.

“Write your way out of a thinking block — because you’ll never think your way out of a writing block.” — Merlin Mann

I kept a notebook throughout high school. It was filled with many embarrassing things, such as dramatic poems and boys I liked. There were no stories about knights or dragons but, at the end of the day, I was writing. As long as you are putting your thoughts down, you are letting your mind wander to places it would never find otherwise. In these spaces, great writing happens.

2. Brainstorm

Get out a notebook, or open Notepad, and make a list of ideas. They don’t have to be good-- they can be as simple as: zombie take over or bird story. Keep listing off ideas until you reach one that excites you. If you make a list (of ten ideas or more) and none appeal to you, pick one anyway. Just write.

If you picked bird story, your first sentence could be as easy as: a bird was born. Now, take that first sentence and expand.

A bird was born in a tree. A blue bird was born in an old tree. A blue bird was born in the old hickory tree next to the barn.

This is a good exercise for sparking creativity. The results may surprise you.

3. Read

If you are not reading, you are not growing as a writer. When you pick up a book, it takes you on a journey that gets your imagination moving. Some people read for pleasure, some to improve their own writing — whatever reason, try and pick a topic you are interested in and read about it.

“We should read as if we have something to learn from the author. The author is there as a guide and a teacher. It becomes a much more intimate experience with this approach.” — via The Writing Cooperative

4. Routine

via u/PaulaEV via Reddit

If you are working a full-time job or going to school, your schedule can get chaotic. How are you supposed to think up marvelous landscapes when there is laundry to do, mouths to feed, studying to be done? First, take a deep breath. No matter how chaotic things get, there is always time for writing.

Octavia Butler, famous for her novels and short stories, worked many low-wage jobs such as telemarketing and dishwashing; Octavia would wake up at 2 a.m. and write before work. While this is a case of astounding dedication, it is an inspiration to writers everywhere and shows that commitment to the craft — even in small doses — produces results.

“First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you’re inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won’t. Habit is persistence in practice.”

Octavia Butler, Bloodchild and Other Stories

Try to think of a time of day when you are alone. It could be a few minutes in the morning, on your lunch break, or right before bedtime. This is now your writing time. During these hours, you are not to be disturbed or distracted. Your goals should be clear: I want to write 500 words a night or I will write for one hour in the morning —understand what you are aiming for and try to reach it with the best of your ability. Eventually, after staying true to your routine, you’ll find words drip from you like honey.

5. Step Back

Writing is a wonderful thing. It has helped many overcome their own struggles and escape to another world. But, when all ideas have turned to ash and writing feels like dead weight on your shoulders, consider taking a break. Take a couple of days or an entire week to simply not write.

“I think it’s important to try to be present with whatever it is you’re doing. And if you can’t be present, take a break.” — Emily Giffin

Carry a notebook. If an idea comes along, write it down then put your pen away. You’ll find that, without the stress of needing to write, your ideas come more naturally. And, when your break is up, take a moment to reflect on your ideas and how to move forward.

6. Tools

If you look at lists such as this and this, many tools have been created for writers suffering from writers block. Some of the applications assist with brainstorming, others on habit tracking, while some assist with character creation.


via Milanote


For organizing your work.

via Squibler

The Most Dangerous Writing App

If you pause more than five seconds, you lose everything you’ve written.

Whatever you’re looking for, there is something out there that could work for you.

7. Environment

Consider your mood when you think about your writing spot. Do you feel stressed? Unhappy? It may not be writing itself causing the problem, but your writing space. There are three important things to stay aware of: cleanliness, comfort, and distractions.

If your space is not clean, that clutter will take a seat in the back of your mind. It could disrupt focus and hinder the writing flow. If you have trouble keeping your space clean on a busy schedule, try this article on cleaning better.

How is your chair? Is it comfortable? Is your notebook or laptop at an awkward height? Take all of this into account and work towards improvement. If your writing area is uncomfortable, you might find it hard to work in long sessions and may avoid your writing space.

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
Ernest Hemingway

Last but not least, check for distractions — no matter how small. Put your phone across the room and close all social media tabs on your browser. Natural light could help increase focus, as well as improve your mood, while ambient music is great for drowning out distractions in a busy household.

8. Get Inspired

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

There are many recorded sessions out there where authors explain their own experience with writers block. Neil Gaiman has a course on Masterclass entitled Art of Writing where he has an episode called Dealing With Writer’s Block, but you will need a monthly subscription to access it. There are many free resources on YouTube where authors explain their own struggles and how they overcame them. As for books, Stephen King’s wrote On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft delves into his writing journey, and he is one of many who has published such works.

Hearing the obstacles that writers have faced and how they overcame them may help inspire you.

9. Branch Out

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

When the half-written novel sitting on your desk has become a heavy burden, perhaps you should branch out to different kinds of writing. Trying something new will get your brain moving. If you normally write short stories, attempt to write an article about a location you love or a wordy review on a book. Branching out will help you learn more as a writer, while giving you a break from the project that is holding you back.

10. Experience

Photo by Philip Myrtorp on Unsplash

When all else has failed, it may be time to get some real world experience. Take a vacation to a new place — it could be one you’re writing about — or simply go for a walk in nature. As long as you are doing something outside of your everyday life, and preferably out of your comfort zone, you are gaining experience that will better your writing in the long-run.

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”
Anais Nin

I stopped writing for a long time after high school. Those years could have been spent bettering myself as a young writer, but were instead haunted by fear and perfectionism. I absolutely regret it. The important thing is, I overcame my villains and found my love for writing again through an accumulation of the steps you’ve seen above and many, many journal entries.

Your path has already started. It’s up to you to take the next step in overcoming your writing slump. Trust me, it will be worth it.




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